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Developers are our friends

Our commitments:

  • Popular product prices

  • Free open development kit SDK

  • Independent intellectual property rights, we will not interfere with how developers use the company's products, and there are no restrictions.

*Since Unity is easier to explain in English, the following content is only provided in English

See the brief video about this virtual sport starter kit. This help you to get rough idea.

Step 1:

Import the Unity Starter Package.

Step 2:

See the tutorial about how easy to make a virtual sport game.

Old SDK for rerference:

The below are the prevision SDK and infomation. Just for your reference. You are suggested to get the new SDK which are show at the top of this page.

SDK v2.0:  "KJ_Starter_Kit_02" (this is old version) 
SDK v4.0: "KJ_Starter_Kit_04(this is old version) 

  • add upto 8 KJ-Stick (KJ-360 mode) to the input manager.(Updated on 18 JUL 2024)

Previous testing app:

You can test the KJ-Stick "KJ-360 mode" by using the built Apps:

Get the testing Apps for

  Windows Android 

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2021  Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Young Entrepreneurship program -- selected project

2022 Hong Kong Cyberport CCMF selected project

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Whatsapp: 852-65582679

Address: KellyJohn Studio, Units 01-03 & 05-06, 25/F, CDW Building, Tsuen Wan, NT, HK

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